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Health Insurance Brokers 
“Travel Insurance - “Don’t leave home without it!” 
Single Trip & Annual Multi-trip 
Older people - 60s, 70s & 80s 
Pre-existing Conditions 
Peace of Mind - pointing you in the right direction! 
Travel Insurance 
You will not receive advice or a recommendation from us in relation to the travel insurance products that we offer. We may ask some questions to narrow down the selection of products that we provide details on. You will then need to make your own choice about how to proceed. This is in accordance to FCA regulation. 
Single trip Travel Insurance 
Don't let unexpected events spoil your holiday. It's easy to get cover for cancellation, delays, medical expenses, loss of baggage etc. Buy some peace of mind. Over 65 and having trouble getting cover? - click here  
Many people forget to buy travel insurance or decide not to bother but you could be exposing yourself to thousands of pounds worth of potential cost should something unforeseen happen. 
A good policy will cover you for cancelling or cutting your holiday short in an emergency such as sudden illness or bereavement; will pay out if your property is lost or stolen and will cover your medical expenses should you become injured or sick whilst on holiday. Many people forget that other countries around the world do not have the services which we take for granted under the NHS. Protect yourself. Why take the risk? 
Over 65... it can be difficult to get good cover at a reasonable price. Our partners, Staysure Travel specialise in this type of insurance. Get a quote now. Staysure Travel Insurance. 
Annual Travel Insurance 
Travelling more than twice a year? An annual multi-trip policy, Worldwide or European, offers convenience and excellent value for money. However, the proof as to whether a travel insurance policy is any good is when you come to claim. We only recommend policies from providers with a reputation for excellent customer service and who offer screening for medical conditions, at reasonable cost. This type of product is not "one size fits all"! Over 65 and having trouble getting cover? - Click here 
Choosing the right annual travel policy -Make sure that the cover you buy covers the right number of days per trip that you are likely to take. Look for a policy which covers the correct area of travel. Why pay to be covered for Canada, the USA or the Caribbean if you are unlikely to travel there? Very cheap cover is likely to exclude pre-existing conditions of any kind regardless of how minor or how long ago you suffered from the problem. Policies are available which allow you to declare and check whether any condition from which you suffer/have suffered would make it difficult for you to claim. 
Get the right advice - Free and Simple. 
Over 65? - Staysure are one of our specialist travel partners providing cover for the over 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's plus. For speed and your convenience we may recommend that you go directly to their website to get the information that you need. Staysure Travel Insurance. 
Travelling with Pre-existing Medical Conditions 
Need your travel insurance to cover medical conditions? Certain travel insurance companies will cover very minor conditions as standard and others exclude them altogether. Some companies will have a medical screening line where they will ask you questions about your condition(s). Cancer, heart and stroke patients find it extremely difficult to get cover as do those who are having regular consultations and/or taking regular medication for their condition. If this is you... we may be able to help. Talk to us. 
We have access to a number of policies some (3 members required) have no medical screening and as long as you are not travelling against doctor's orders covers pre-existing conditions and some which cover up to 220 minor conditions as standard. Others will screen and advise as you go along. 
Annual Business Travel 
Travelling frequently on business all over the world? One week here...two days there.....! 
Need cover for business equipment in case it is lost or delayed? Or do you have a number of employees who travel on business based at different divisions and want them all covered under one policy?  
Find out the most cost effective way to cover them for both business and leisure trips. 
We provide business policies on their own or they can be included with a private medical insurance policy. Discuss your options. 
Expatriate Healthcare/Longstay 
Living abroad? - Healthcare for expats can be difficult to access and expensive, so you need to be protected. Going travelling? - Not all healthcare in the rest of the world is the same as the UK. Longstay travel insurance is different from Expatriate Healthcare and different again from International PMI. Find out which one is right for you. Ask Us! 
What is Longstay Travel Insurance? - it is continuous cover from 2-13 months, some providers include return trips to your country of residence and usually provide cover for non-manual work whilst you are away. 
What is Expatriate Healthcare? - it is cover specifically designed to supplement the healthcare system in your new country of residence. There are usually a number of providers for each country all with different offerings, so shopping around is a must. 
Check out useful information on the Foreign office website about your chosen destination 
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AllClear Travel Link
Avanti Travel Insurance link
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